可持續深涌活化計劃 Sustainable Sham Chung Conservation

合作團體: 天主教香港教區    教區「古道行」工作小組

Partner Organization: Diocesan Working Committee for “Following Thy Way” (FTW) under Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong


1.Chapel Repair with heritage and history restoration

2.Sustainable development of Sham Chung

3.Access provision

Project Description

FTW is planning to carry out repair of the Epiphany of Our Lord Chapel cum Kung Man School, a local landmark and built heritage of Sham Chung

in northwestern Sai Kung Peninsula, as a catalyst to promote human wellbeing and ecological flourishing, to conserve the countryside, and to provide

unique experiences that re-connect people to nature.

EWB-HK acting as engineering supporter on this project has conducted field investigation in December 2021 to understand local conditions.

Some revitalization works of access provision along river and chapel repair will be planned with FTW in 2022.

Contribution to SDGs

11.4 Strengthen efforts to protect and safeguard the world’s cultural and natural heritage