Your support matters

Make a Donation

Your generous support is very important to us. Without you, our work will not be successful. 


How to Donate?

1. Bank Transfer

Please make a direct deposit into the following HSBC bank account.

HSBC:  652-516097-838 / Fast Payment System (FPS) ID: 106119738

To get a donation receipt, please email the original bank receipt together with the donation form to


2. Cheque

Send a Crossed cheque Payable to "Engineers Without Borders (Hong Kong) Limited" together with the donation form by post to "Engineers Without Borders",  Unit B 13/F Prat Commercial Building, 17-19 Prat Avenue Tsimshatsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong"

All donations will be used to project technical supports and organization development works, including necessary administrative expenses, in pursuit of the mission of Engineers Without Borders.


We are an approved charitable institution under S.88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance.

IRD File No. 91/9757