Join Us

Application details are as follows:

  1.  Apply online OR

  2. Send the filled EWB-HK Volunteer Application Form to


EWB-HK Member and Volunteer Handbook

If you are interested in our volunteer services, you must read the EWB HK Member and Volunteer Handbook. before carrying out volunteer work. This handbook spells out our expectation on volunteers who should observe the guidelines thus listed.

We will acknowledge your application and confirm the acceptance via e-mail soon.


Join as a Volunteer

Welcome to join us as a Volunteer of Engineers Without Borders (Hong Kong), (“EWB-HK”) 
After registering as a Volunteer, you could join our activities to serve the communities in need. It would be helpful if you could also provide your preference in joining our functional committees so that we can match volunteers with suitable projects.


  • 18 years of age or above, people from all walks of life


  • Who want to contribute to EWB-HK on a long-term basis / on a temporary basis


  • Nil.

Volunteer Award Scheme

To encourage volunteer work participation, EWB-HK established a Volunteer Award Scheme based on the hours of volunteer work gained by an individual. When service hours are accumulated to a certain level, a Certificate of Appreciation will be issued. These certificates will be presented to the volunteer at the Annual General Meeting. Please complete and submit the volunteer service record and send it to prior to the end of September each year for verification.