GCp Mentorship
The EWB Global Citizenship Program has a multitude of objectives and benefits. The GCP Mentorship Program will strengthen the GCP objectives by advancing Leadership Building, Network Building, Career, recognizing the Diversity of Talents and Uniqueness. It provides the student participants with access to industry professionals with extensive experience that can enhance their growth both personally and professionally into a humanitarian, Global Citizen.
Alumni of GCP, Our future CHANGE makers
Every year more GCP alumni got graduated from our programme. Student participants from CityU, HKUST, HKU, Thei, Education U, Baptist U and PolyU, participate in EWB-HK activities, GCP and Mentoring.
We are pleased to announce that, the "EWB Global Citizenship Programme 2019", has been successfully completed. This is a comprehensive and tough programme. From January of 2019, a series of workshops and seminars, community survey in Hong Kong, planning and execution of engineering-based social services in Myanmar, exploration visits to various places in Yangon, ....
[EWB Global Citizenship Programme 2019] - GCP Networking Tram Party
[EWB Global Citizenship Programme 2019] - GCP dinner meeting with GCP Mentors and OC members
Welcome the four Mentors, experienced in Civil Engineering, Corporate Sustainability, Environmental and Smart City areas, ... going to guide the students to have wider global perspective, think out of the box, and realization of UN SDGs.
Ir George Cheng, Ir Dr. Bruce Chong, Ms. Grace Kwok, Dr. Thomas Tang